Help! There is a Box on My HEAD!!!!
You will get all sorts of items--free and purchased--in SL.
They will go into your inventory, but often they come in a little box. You have to open the box to copy items to the inventory and then use or wear them. Even experienced avatars sometimes forget to check to see if any item is "boxed" and simply R click it and choose "wear."
Then what you see at the left happens, and everyone has a good laugh at your expense. I saw this poor soul at one of the camping places and helped her remove her box-hand.
You will need to find a location to open your boxes. If you are in our class group, "Invented Worlds," you can "rez" items (make them appear in world) in the small lot to the left of Pappy Enoch's junkyard. Many locations do not permit you to rez items from inventory. If you see the symbol to the right at the top of your client screen, you are out of luck.
If you are in an area that permits "rezzing," just drag the boxed item out of your inventory to the ground, right click it and select "open."
Oh yes. How to get the box off your body if you wear it? Just right-click it and "detach."
Unless you like wearing boxes!
Scavenger Hunt Bonus: 50L for the first student brave enough to post a snapshot of your avatar wearing a box. Post it to our Koinup group and notify me by e-mail.
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