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Richmond Island

Page history last edited by Joe Essid 15 years ago

Ah...the bucolic groves and sedate academic buildings of our virtual home....um, not really.  But come see for yourself.


From the Welcome area that will be your arrival point from Orientation Island, come to Richmond.  To do that, click the "Map" (not "mini map") button at the bottom of your screen. Then:


Once you get to Richmond, set it as your home base.  You can then always get there quickly by using the map shown above and clicking the "go home" button.  We'll get all of you invited to the correct group so you can make Richmond home.


If you find you cannot make Richmond "home" right away, you can always use the map or set a landmark. Both the "set home" and "create landmark" buttons are under the "World" option in SL.


We decided, early on, that much of the island should NOT resemble the look and feel of our real world. After all, in a world where it never rains or snows, why do you need a roof?  Actually, they help when flying avatars decide to "drop in" out of the sky.


Otherwise, we moved away from sedate and consistent design to a more ecclectic look.



We have an ever-changing set of buildings and natural features on the island, and these have included a student-designed miniature-golf course, a lake with a gazebo for relaxing, a collonaded space for our Language Lab so visitors can use SL's voice feature to speak in other languages, a skyscraper where we house student artwork and projects for the Arts & Sciences student symposium, my skybox and office, and several academic buildings.


Mr. Creamer, who manages the island, has to put up with a lot from eager professors, students, and class mentors. You never know who or what you'll find on Richmond Island...like a meeting of Pappy Enoch's friends, shown here.



Scavenger-Hunt Bonus: 50L to the first student to post to his or her blog a picture of his or her avatar at Richmond's gazebo. Notify me by e-mail when you have posted your picture to our Koinup group.

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